Water management

The depuration plant collects the water used in the production cycle, meteoric water and the landfill leachate. The pollutants are precipitated through adequate chemical-physical processes and then separated.

The depurated water flows to a battery of 8 sand and coal filters and only after a pH correction is reintroduced into the Riso torrent.

To assure a particular attention on the monitoring of the water management system efficiency a specific daily analysis on the outlet water is done.

Hydroelectric plant

Pontenossa S.p.A. is authorized to use water either for industrial and hydroelectric aims. The water is withdrawn upstream the plant from Riso and Musso torrents.
The quantity of water used in the hydroelectric plant is conditioned by the industrial use and by the minimum guaranteed flow (1000 m2/h) that should be assured in Riso torrent. Consequently in poor rainfall periods the hydroelectric plant activities stop to guarantee the maintenance of the fluvial ecosystem balance.

Crystallization plant

A new crystallization plant has been realized to reduce the amount of sodium and potassium chlorides in outlet water. The plant produces salt crystals from Waelz oxide washing water. The plant has begun its full activity in 2010.